Sunday, October 13, 2013

First movie theater experience and tons of other stuff!

 Daddy went up to Atlanta to visit some friends so Mommy took advantage of having a long weekend with Grayson. On Sunday we went to the zoo with our good friends Yael and Asher.  We saw lots of animals, rode the carousel, and fed the giraffes.

 It is always a crapshoot with the carousel and Grayson.  We never know how he is going to react.  When we first got on, he was very unsure.  As soon as it started going and his seahorse starting going up and down, he LOVED it!  He had a good grip on me, but his smile is worth a million dollars. These are the best shots I could get, while having him squeezing me and trying to hold the camera and just shoot blindly.  We did have a tantrum, but that was after the ride was over.  We went on it two times today. :)
 We also took a trip to the beach in the late afternoon on Saturday after our haircut.  Grayson got to play in the water and then we had a dinner picnic on the beach.
 He kept sticking him hands in the water to touch the sand.  I plopped him down and he just started to play.  He rubbed the sand all over his legs, between his hands, and even a little bit in his mouth. :)
 My handsome little boy and I took a ton of walks this weekend.  We love getting to the lake and looking for the ducks or just watching the cars drive by.
 Once a month the Autism Society sponsors a "Sensory Sensitive" movie.  The lights are left on low, the sound is turned down, and you can bring snacks from home.  Overall he did great!  He stayed in his seat for a good majority and then sat on Mommy and Daddy's lap.  I'd say he watched about 50 percent of the movie.  He was interested in the lights on the wall and just the newness of where we were.
 ( I am sick and tired of trying to order these pictures in the way I want them! They never appear the way I post them.)  Here he is switching the lights on and off using the dimmer switch.  It's a fun game he likes to play.
 He even got his first movie theater treat of Raisinets.  Chocolates and raisins. Who doesn't love that? He sure did.  Big mistake giving them to him before anything else.  I tried to offer him his lunch and he shooed me away. Of course it was Teddy's first movie also.  He has grown quite attached to him recently.  He likes to have them nearby.
 Just watching and cuddling.
 Towards the end, we let him stand up and watch so he could do his swaying.
 A picture by the AMC theatres sign to commemorate our first movie experience.  A success!

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