Friday, January 27, 2012

9 Months old

Grayson is doing great! He is getting bigger and bigger every day. At 9 months old the doctor said we could start giving him some table food. He eats everything! He will not turn anything down. He has had BBQ ribs, chicken, garlic bread and marinara sauce, avocado, bread, waffles, just to name a few. He has eaten meatloaf and meatballs also. But to go along with an earlier blog, evidently they were not as delicious as the other meats.

He is still eating a fruit with oatmeal for breakfast, a veggie for lunch, and now a meat/veggie mixture for dinner. We also make sure we eat dinner at the same time so he can get scraps of whatever we are eating. He has some snacks after each meal also. After breakfast he gets yogurt melts and cheerios. After lunch he gets kale/spinach/collard greens puffs or sweet potato puffs (they taste like air). After dinner he gets any of the above mentioned snacks as well as some "mild cheddar crunchies" AKA cheetos. We put them on his tray and he is awesome at picking them up with his pincer grip.

We now have five teeth. The second one of the top came in right after the first one. So far he has been a great teether. Such a good teether, that we didn't even realize that tooth number 5 came in to the right of the bottom two until our friend Daphne pointed it out to us. :)

We did get sick again this month. We had about a 2 week rest and then right back with the same runny nose and cough. This time wasn't nearly as bad as last so we still had our happy boy. Now that we are thinking about it, it might have just been his teething.

We are still going to MyGym every Wednesday which he adores, for the most part. :) Still working on getting some pictures of that.

Our routine for the day:
6:30-6:45-Wake up and get first bottle
8:00- Eat breakfast
9:00- First nap (naps are getting better and better lasting from between 1-2 hours now)
11:00- Bottle
1:00- Lunch
2:00- Nap
3:15-3:30/whenever he wakes up- Bottle
5:00- Dinner
6:45- Books, bath, bottle, bed

You could set your watches by this kid. I can tell exactly what time it is depending on whether he is fussing and rubbing his eyes or crying because he is hungry.

He was up to drinking about 7.5 ounces at a time until he got sick and couldn't take that much at a time due to a stuffy nose. We are slowly but surely getting him back up there.

He is still a giggly, fun boy! He is super ticklish and has continued to make his scrunchy face when he is really excited. Another thing he is doing is flapping his arms like a little bird. It is when he is sad, mad, happy, excited. We can't quite figure out why he started doing that, but for now he is our little birdie. :)

We have had a very mild winter here in Jacksonville. There have been only a few cold days where we have had to bundle him up to go on one of our many daily walks.

Here we are snuggling and watching what else, Miss Spider! Still does his "chilling" position any chance he gets!
The scrunchy face is still in full effect! He does it all the time.
Yesterday Mommy ran with her friend Daphne in their first race, a 5 mile run. Daddy and Grayson were waiting at the finish line with this sign. What a great cheerleader!
A photo op at MyGym with Cooper.
Here is Grayson sporting his mohawk. His hair on the top is getting longer and longer and it has started to stick straight up.
I know there is snot dripping down his face in this one, but I couldnt resist posting. What a cutie!
This was after Grayson went to his first friend's birthday party. It was a Sesame Street theme and we got a cool Cookie Monster goody bag. Happy Birthday Connor!
Mommy's friend Tracey was in town for work so she came over and we hung out and went out to lunch. He was flirting with her, of course.
Mommy met a really nice girl at the park and she gave us this cool car for free! I love driving around in it honking the horn.
On our last trip to Publix I got a balloon. I love them! I am also showing off one of my favorite snacks, yogurt melts. Mom let me hold them. She is so nice.


Laugh #2 (I know it is dark, but hard to resist posting this one)


Monday, January 2, 2012

8 months old

Here he is.....our smiling 8 month old boy! Not much to report on this blog, but figured I would post our monthly birthday. We do have our third tooth. It is the top, right one. The fourth one should be on its way shortly, we are told. We are doing tummy time more and more and hoping that we get closer to crawling. He is getting much better at it and will actually play on his stomach now instead of whining to be flipped over. The doctor also called him a "toe stander" because when he stands up and plays, he does so on his tippy toes. Grayson would probably beat anyone in a "calf contest."

Along with being 8 months old, we have our first illness. I guess we can't complain, it has been a good run. A nasty cold with a horrible cough. It is so painfully sad to see our sweet, happy baby wince and cry every time he coughs. Hoping we are at the tail end of it as it has been almost a week of this mess. The doctor also told us to start vitamins so we are doing that daily now also. When we went to the doctor to get him checked out, he weighed in at 19 lbs and 14 oz. Our New Years planned trip to Atlanta was cancelled due to a sick baby. Hopefully we will get up there before Grayson is 18 years old!

Below is another prized photo of the "scrunchy face." We are beginning to like these more than the regular smile ones. :)