Friday, July 29, 2011

Play time at 14 weeks!

Thought we would make up for the lack of blogs lately with a fun one! Mommy loves playing with me during the day time. Couldn't you just eat up that smile?!
"Who me? I couldn't possibly have done that. I am too innocent."
I am doing a lot of new things. I like to grab these textured rings, shake them, and put them in my mouth. See video below.
I love this puppy. Her arms squeak and make different noises. Her ears are very crinkly. I like to touch them and look at all of the colors and designs. We have great conversations. She is a great listener.
I love to watch TV. Mommy is going out this weekend to get me some Baby Einsteins. I have had enough reality TV.
Here is a good side view of how good he is getting at sitting in his Bumbo. Also a good shot of his hair line. All thick at the bottom but falling out everywhere else.
We have been able to do new games with Grayson to go along with his new toys. He loves the game airplane. He was giggling and laughing.
The two videos below are of Grayson playing. In the first one he is showing you his colored rings. The second one is his new favorite game. We call it bouncy, bouncy, bouncy. He is perched on either Adam or my knees and we bounce him up and down. Gets great laughter. He is also getting quite ticklish under his neck. We will save that video for next time! Enjoy.

3 months old/baby naming

Happy 3 months to Grayson! It has been a very busy couple of weeks around here. We went to the doctor and he weighs 13 lbs and 13 oz! He is growing great. He has a small case of thrush on his tongue, so we are giving him oral medicine 4 times a day to treat that. Yea, that's really fun to do alone. :) By the face Grayson makes I don't think it tastes too great, but he grins and bears it and then goes back to the smiling boy we all know and love.
Here is Grayson doing his new trick. His neck muscles are getting quite strong, and he can pull himself out of a sitting or lying position so his head and neck are off the surface they were on. I am waiting for the day where he hurls himself completely over.
Aunt Jennie surprised me and met us down in South Florida for my Hebrew naming! She fed me a bottle. She is good in my book.
Here he is the morning of his naming. All dressed up and looking as cute as ever!
Sadly, we were too busy during the party to take a whole lot of pictures, but we did get this one with the rabbi and Grayson's godmother, Lauren and godfather, Lucks. Our angel baby is the one fast asleep on Lucks' chest. (Don't miss the tiny yarmulke that Grammie got for him.) His name in Hebrew is Chaim Baruch. Chaim, for Amy's Great Uncle Hy and Baruch for Adam's great grandfather Benjamin.
Out little man met his future wife, Avery, Lucks' daughter. It was love at first sight for both.

We were so lucky to have so many friends and family members come and help celebrate Grayson that day. Here are my three oldest and dearest friends Lauren, Dana, and Tracey.
Could Grammie have a bigger smile on her face? I don't think so! Here she is with her two boys.
Gramps is here with Grayson and killer guard dog Minnie.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

12 weeks old

Hello! Grayson is now a big 12 weeks old. Sorry it has been a little while since we have written. Grayson is doing a ton of new things. He has really started laughing. It is the cutest thing ever except for the fact that it is immediately followed by an awful case of the hiccups. He especially likes hand games like Patty Cake and The Wheels on the Bus. He smiles and laughs hysterically, especially when the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish and the people on the bus go up and down. :) Video of that to come. He still is very aware of when the camera comes out and what that means. Capturing smiles and laughs have to be done on the down low, it is incredible how he will instantly stop when we press record.
Grayson is doing better and better every day with tummy time. He doesn't like to do it for long, but he does a great job with it!
Our big boy has moved up to size 2 diapers! These diapers go up to 18 lbs so hopefully we will be in them for some time.
His hands are constantly in his mouth. He loves to chew on them. He especially loves to gnaw on his thumb. Not a lot of drooling happening yet, but I am sure that is coming soon!
This is his new thing. He has found his hair. He is constantly touching it. His hands are starting to be open a lot more instead of being clamped closed. Doctor said it takes a few months for them to open up so he seems to be right on track.
Grayson gets mad when we eat dinner at the table and he has to sit a few feet below the table in his vibrating chair. So inevitably one of us ends up eating our dinner holding him. He is too little to eat in his high chair, but we figured he might enjoy being up on our level while we eat. We bring a few toys with him to help entertain him and that has been the fix! We can now enjoy our meal in peace, well kind of, we still listen to his toys making noise. :)
Just one last picture of our cute boy hanging out in his big boy chair. :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We had such a fun 4th of July! We went over to our neighbor's house and swam and spent the day in the sun. It was Grayson's first time swimming! He wasn't quite sure about it at first but quickly picked up how easy it was to just lay back and relax. He was such a good baby. Above is the picture of him in his first bathing suit, rash guard, and our styling sunglasses. Notice how it says "All American Surf Baby" Below is a raft we bought for him. It is meant for a 9 month old baby and older, but we improvised! Nothing is keeping us out of the pool this summer!

We got a little bored, so it was a good thing Mommy brought some of my favorite toys! As soon as we attached our lion, he was good to go.
Swimming is hard work. I took a snooze in my second patriotic outfit.
Then we went home to bathe Grayson and get the chlorine off of him. On went the third and final 4th of July outfit. He was very excited for this outfit change! Below are some pictures of him with Mommy and Daddy. We had such a fun, but exhausting day. Boy it is hard work to have a baby!

Below are two videos of Grayson. One is on his new raft. The other is with our neighbor Melanie swimming him around the pool.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

2 month doctor visit and playing

This week we went for our 2 month visit even though technically we turned 10 weeks on Friday. Like we thought, our little boy is a hefty one. :) He was 12 lbs and 12 oz, up almost 3 lbs from his one month visit! He is now 23" long. He is in the 50th percentile for weight and height. We thought our butterball was big, there is another 50 percent of kids that are heavier! We also got our 2 month shots. One shot in each thigh and an oral immunization. He screamed when he got his shots but was fine immediately after. The shots definitely made him sleepy though because he slept for a solid 4 hours after we got home. Doctor said he looked great. He is getting really good at neck control and only head butts occasionally now. :) He also enjoys music and loves dancing with Mom and Dad. If you are still reading, get yourself excited for two videos of Grayson talking/smiling during play time on the bottom of this post.

Mommy and Daddy messing with a hat that is too big for me!

Just chilling in my big boy chair.
I LOVE my vibrating chair. I am so happy to sit here and talk to my friends. Below is an action shot of a conversation I am having with my lion.