Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Grayson Max Anker is here!

Grayson Max Anker was born at 7:55 AM on April 22, 2011. He was a scheduled C-section and even though he wasnt aware of that, he knew that that was supposed to be his birthday. Amy's water broke at about 1:15 the morning of the c-section. We went to the hospital and proceeded to hurry up to wait. :) Amy went into surgery at 7:30. Grammie (Amy's mom) and Nonny (Adam's mom) anxiously awaited his arrival from the waiting room. He was born and went with Daddy to the nursery to get weighed, measured, and scored on his Apgar test. He weighed 7 lbs 11 oz. and measured to be 20.5 inches long. He scored a 9/10 at his first Apgar test and then a few minutes later scored another 9/10. Already at the top of his class! We spent a few days at the hospital where he had a small case of jaundice. He spent two days in the Billi blanket and under some lights to help speed up the process. He is pretty adorable if we do say so ourselves!

We got home from the hospital Monday the 27th and have been trying to relax and recuperate since then. It has been great having Grammie and Nonny here to help with Grayson and my recovery. Attached are a few pictures of the first pictures of his life from the hospital taken by Amy's friend Kelley who also took her maternity photos.

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