Monday, July 29, 2013

More July activities!

Cousin Jason came into town to visit!   We got to spend the day with him.  Above Jason is imitating Grayson sticking out his tongue.  Below is a cute shot of the two of them.  I love how Grayson's hand is over Jason's.
While we were sitting on the couch, Jason asked what that door was used for.   We said it was a doggie door that Layla was too scared to use.  I didn't believe he could fit through it.  He had to prove me wrong.   An action shot of Jason going through the door.
I am back to trying more sensory activities with Grayson.  I had read about boiling and dying spaghetti. I thought it looked interesting.
I don't know if you can see Grayson's face, but he was not very into this activity.  He picked up one red strand and......
went to hide behind the window shade.     He stayed there until the pasta was out of sight.
He doesn't like to get his hands dirty, so his OT told me to try paint in a bag.   That way he could run his hands over it, but not get anything on them.
"Oy vey, Mom!  Stop making me do these dumb things!"   (This is what he would say if he could talk.)

But after a bunch of pushing, I actually got him to run his pointer finger over the paint a few times. Hopefully we will be able to work up to more interaction with the paint in a bag.
We are trying to do more things that involve pretend play.  Here he is pushing his shopping cart.  Before, he insisted on it being turned on its side.  Now he sees it, pushes it, and "parks it" i.e. slams it into one of the dining room chairs.
G has had a bit of a runny nose which turned into a cough.  I took him to the doctor today because it started to sound really yucky.  Sure enough, when she listened to his chest, she said she couldn't hear anything due to the amount of gunk in there.   Enter Grayson's first nebulizer treatment.  I also earned my alligator wrestling degree while we were there.  Holy cow, that kid has some superhuman strength when he doesn't want to be doing something.  Long story short, he has bronchitis.  No school, errands, or play dates for us this week.   Overall, he has been in good spirits, just with a nasty cough.  We were cooped up inside all day, so I decided to bring out an old favorite, bubbles.   This little face just gets so overjoyed when we play with bubbles.   He has gotten really good at using his pointer to pop them and point to things. For right now, he points but he has to actually touch the item.  He hasn't yet picked up on the concept of pointing to something out of reach.  We will get there.  He kept poking me in the face when he wanted more bubbles.  Like I said, he may not talk yet, but he certainly gets his point across.

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