Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Grayson is on the move!

We are so excited to announce that Grayson FINALLY started to crawl! It all happened January 26th. He went up into a yoga pose "downward dog" and the rest is history! He is really good at crawling on his knees, but sometimes he gets lazy and moves a few times and then slumps down with his belly on the floor and does the worm. His favorite things to crawl for are the TV remote and to crawl towards his radio where his favorite CD plays. We think he is really excited to see something he wants and actually be able to go get it. It was a very exciting day in our lives and our next task at hand is baby-proofing. Be sure to catch the video of him showing his crawling skills at the bottom. They get better and better every day!

In an effort to save a few bucks, we decided to do our own photos for Grayson's 9 month shoot. We think it turned out pretty good, but how can you take a bad picture with such a gorgeous model? We used our picturesque entrance into our development as a background.

We went to the doctor today and Grayson weighed in at 20 lbs and 12 ounces. We think he probably weighed more, but his nose has been really stuffy lately so he hasn't been eating as much. Doctor told us that this runny nose that has been around for over a month goes along with teething and will probably stick around for the duration of the time he is getting new teeth. Oh, joy. What fun. The good news is, that Grayson doesn't mind it too much, that is until you go near him with a tissue or "boogie wipe." Then all hell breaks loose! We see two teeth on the top that are very close to popping through. We hope they come any day now. He is up to 28 inches in length. According to percentiles he is still in the 50th percentile for weight, and just below for height. He is already starting to slip down in the height ranks. Big surprise there.

We also learned that Grayson is a master manipulator. He has started screaming crying when he is laid down on the changing table. Evidently that is his way of saying, "No mommy I do not mind sitting in my own pee or poop, I want to keep playing with that toy you just took me away from." He is used to crying or whining and getting his own way. Not any more. Daddy and Mommy are making a huge effort to ignore the crying and not feed into it. We are hoping this is similar to the "cry it out" method that worked so well for us for bedtime. We know he is perfectly healthy, has no ear infection, so let's see who wins this war.

In this blog are our "favorites" from our 9 month photo shoot. Enjoy!

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