Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day Weekend 2011

Now our little Grayson is 8 weeks old. Adam and I were so lucky to both get to celebrate our first Mother's Day and Father's Day this year. Both were very laid back days spending time with family. What could be better? We go to the doctor at the end of the month for Grayson's 2 month checkup with shots. :( He is growing like a weed! We can't wait to see what his weight/height is up to according to the doctor's scale. This weekend my parents came into town and Gramps met Grayson for the first time! We wish family lived closer so every time they saw him wasn't a special occasion. Hopefully that will happen sometime soon! He is getting more to be more and more fun and giving smiles away constantly. Everyone agrees they are delicious. We love the gummy ones the best. Hopefully as he gets older we can get more pictures of them. Grayson's not really on a routine during the day time but he definitely has a pattern at night. We have moved into only 1 feeding in the middle of the night, which both Mommy and Daddy are excited about. He goes from 930 until somewhere between 230 and 430. Then sleeps again until about 630-730. This weekend we had an anomaly. He slept from 930 until 5:15! We went bananas. Sadly it was a fluke as he returned to his other schedule, but it gave us hope for what is to come. Above is an updated family picture.
Here is Gramps and Grayson playing on the floor. Grayson is thinking, "Gramps, what do you have all over your face?" Gramps can't get over how calm and laid back he is. He was on his best behavior for company that weekend.
Here is Daddy with his son and daughter on Father's Day. Again, we can't wait for him to be able to roll over, he sleeps so soundly on his belly. That will be the trick to getting him to sleep through the night.
Grayson loves his swing, so we decide to take all pictures with family there. Here is Grammie and Gramps with their Grayson.
Here is when Grammie is most happy. She has her grandson sleeping on the Grammie chair.

1 comment:

  1. Love these pics!So stinkin' cute and you are so right about Grayson growing like a weed! Trying to talk Rob into a road trip to see you all....if not I am def coming. Let's skype this weekend? Sunday?
    Miss ya'll!
