Saturday, September 27, 2014

September Fun!

 Whew!  Our September has been awfully jam packed of activities.  We got to go support an amazing cause called "Surfers for Autism."   Grayson was still too young to participate and currently he is a much bigger fan of the sand at the beach than the water, but we still wanted to go to show our support.  What a great group of people that travel up and down the east coast of the U.S. to put on this event.   The truly amazing thing was the amount of volunteers that showed up to help.   Each "student" had 4-5 people around them teaching them to surf and trying to get them to stand up in the water.  Most of these volunteers were teenagers.  Sometimes I worry about the youth of America, but on this day I was very proud of them.   Here are a few pictures of our happy little man, playing in the sand.
 Of course the professional photographer that was there also snapped a few shots of our little man and posted it on their site.
 This is one of my favorites.   After we were there for about an hour, for some reason, this is all he wanted to do.  Lay on his back in the wet, gross sand.  Whatever!
 There were a bunch of sponsors for this event and of course our ABA company was there.  A cute shot of Grayson and Miss Carolina hanging on the beach!
 Grayson worked so hard at ABA that he fell asleep in the swing.  I received this picture as a text message on Monday afternoon.   He loves this swing, it is like a little cocoon that they hang by the ceiling in the playroom, and he conked right out.
 Then a little peek a boo with Miss Carolina.   He usually uses his hands and picks up our hands and does it.  This was a bit different because he was using his own hands to cover her eyes.
 Still waking up (this was right after his catnap in the swing pictured above.)
 We are so lucky to be surrounded by the most generous people.  Melanie and Jamie, our old neighbors, bought Grayson a brand new IPAD mini to help with his communication.  The box is a bit blurry, but that smile sure isn't!
 He still loves to swing, so we figured we would try a big kid swing.   Not so sure about it, he definitely cant go nearly as fast or high as in the toddler swing!
 One of our new neighbors, Ryan, who moved into Melanie and Jamie's house is a firefighter.  His fire station is right by the park we frequent. So we made a pitstop to the firehouse!   I had never taken Grayson before because, as we know, he isn't very predictable and I didnt know what to expect, but he loved it.  I was glad we were there alone though, once he got in that driver seat, he wouldnt let anyone else near it!  Adam kept trying to climb in to look around and he got pushed out everytime.
 Just doing a little steering with his foot.....

Nonny and Great Grandma Jo were in town for a few days.  We got to share a meal and a great day at the zoo.
 Three times on the is never enough!