Thursday, September 22, 2011

Look who is 5 months old!!

We have got ourselves a big boy over here! Still as smiley as ever. He has momentarily stopped being as vocal and the screaming is down to a minimum. We hope it will come back soon. :) Our biggest accomplishment since our last blog was that we are now eating some veggies with our oatmeal! He eats it right up, it is amazing. Makes mmmmm noises and everything. He is also giving Mommy open mouth kisses all over her face. He is especially drooly right now so Mommy ends up being soaked. Well worth it. He doesn't give his kisses to Daddy yet. We think he is turned off by the scratchiness that is Daddy's face. He is doing a great job at tummy time and pushes his chest all the way off the floor. He is getting much better at sitting up. He has found his toes and grabs them at any chance he can get. He finally fits in his exersaucer (with towels and blankets under him) and jumper (with board games and towels under him). He has the best time in his jumper and is in it for periods of 45 minutes at a time!

Check out the videos on the bottom. One jumping in his jumper and the other one with the best giggles caught on camera yet.

Look at me playing with my toy! He braces himself with one hand and lets himself play with the other.
Chillaxin...... just had some sweet potatoes. Mmmmmmm
Green beans are also good. :)
What are you looking at? Just let me play!
Hi, I am the cutest face ever!
Well Daddy had to carry the laundry upstairs and Mommy was washing dishes. This was our solution. :) Multi-tasking is our middle name.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

4 months old and trip to Orlando

It has been an exciting couple of weeks around here. We got visits from Nonny, Grammie, and then went on a trip to Orlando. Just went to the doctor yesterday for 4 month shots. He did great, much better than Mommy. Grayson weighed in at 15 lbs and 13 ounces. He is 25.5 inches tall. He is in the 52nd percentile in both weight and height. The doctor said that he is very proportionate. :) We are now increasing the amount of oatmeal that he eats and instead of eating it only once a day, we moved up to a breakfast and a dinner. We will try some canned foods in another few weeks. He loves to eat, opens his mouth right up and has even started grabbing for the spoon. This trait is definitely like his mommy!

We just got back from a trip to Orlando where we saw my entire family. My sister, her husband Bill and our nephew James, my brother Andy and his girlfriend Chelsea, and of course Grammie and Gramps. We had a great time playing games, lounging by the pool, and just watching the boys play. We can't wait to do it again!
I have several new tricks. This is one of them. I can stand on my own for a few seconds at a time. This was a long one of about 15 seconds. I am also starting to suck on my bottom lip and blow bubbles.
Here are all the boys in the pool swimming.
The two little boys in matching outfits. :)
Still not quite sure about the pool. We are thinking it will be super fun for him as soon as he can be in the raft by himself and just swim around.

The boys had a whiffle ball home run derby. Grayson and I went out for a few minutes to cheer our Daddy on!
Some more matching outfits. Look how tall cousin James looks next to our little peanut.
Of course we are still chomping on our fingers at any chance we get. Doctor said she didn't see anything in his gums, but they looked a bit swollen. Only time will tell.
This shirt had an orange on it and said "Mommy's Main Squeeze."
Here we are back at home trying to get out of the brutal Florida heat by swimming in the kiddie pool.