"Who me? I couldn't possibly have done that. I am too innocent."
I am doing a lot of new things. I like to grab these textured rings, shake them, and put them in my mouth. See video below.
I love this puppy. Her arms squeak and make different noises. Her ears are very crinkly. I like to touch them and look at all of the colors and designs. We have great conversations. She is a great listener.
I love to watch TV. Mommy is going out this weekend to get me some Baby Einsteins. I have had enough reality TV.
Here is a good side view of how good he is getting at sitting in his Bumbo. Also a good shot of his hair line. All thick at the bottom but falling out everywhere else.
We have been able to do new games with Grayson to go along with his new toys. He loves the game airplane. He was giggling and laughing.
The two videos below are of Grayson playing. In the first one he is showing you his colored rings. The second one is his new favorite game. We call it bouncy, bouncy, bouncy. He is perched on either Adam or my knees and we bounce him up and down. Gets great laughter. He is also getting quite ticklish under his neck. We will save that video for next time! Enjoy.